Thursday, February 2, 2012

Love Letter #2- He Searches

Heart of pearls by TheCleopatra
Heart of pearls a photo by TheCleopatra on Flickr.
"I Myself, not a servant or messenger, but the Sovereign Lord says to you, I will search for you.

I will look after you and rescue you.

I will bring you out of darkness, I will bring you into your own.

I myself will tend to you and look after your needs.

I will give you rest and peace.

If you are lost, I will come searching for you.

If you have strayed I WILL BRING YOU BACK.

I will bind and heal your injuries, even the ones you give yourself. And I will strengthen you when you are weak.

I love you."
~Ezekiel 34:11-16~

1 comment:

Grace said...

Very encouraging to this old soul, Lady D.
I love it. And I love you!
