"I love you."
Three words.
Simple. True. Life giving.
Some of us work and wait our whole to find the truth of those words through another's actions, heard from their lips, or felt in their arms.
Love is indeed a powerful thing... which makes perfect sense, since God said "I AM Love" (1 John 4:16). I know no more powerful source in this life than God...and His love.
February is, whithout much wonder, the Month of Love or the 'love month'.
Some of us look forward to the 14th of this month with puppy love butterflies while other approach it as a celebation of Love's pure steady flame,tested through by years.
Maybe you celebrate the love of friends and family, harboring the hope and expectancy of that life-love someday.
No matter which category you fall under, there is a love that stirs deeper, lasts longer, and fills completely...THE Love...HIS love.
We may know this with our head, we may know it deep down, but sometimes we still question it. Every fibber of our being longs for His love to be real and PERSONAL.
A few months back I did a personal study, albeit it incomplete (I think this study will be an ongoing life project) on His love for me in the Word. His words came alive for me, bringing throbbing joy to a weakened heart and healing tears to bleary, love-search strained eyes.
Holy Spirit took numerous verses, personalized them, expounded on them and inspired the words as I wrote down; personal, Biblical words of love being spoken to me from My Lover...YOUR Lover.
So, in celebration of this LOVEly month, I want to share them with you.
Each day (hopefully!), I will post a Love Letter, taken and inspired from scripture...let it sink in, believe it is true.
This month, ask for eyes to see...
Ears to hear...
and a heart to receive His overwhelming, healing love.
Love Letter # 1
"My love, My Love. You are my child. My love for you is so great, so unbounding! I clothe you with it, bathe you in it, wrap you in it, this love is so lavish! This is not a love like an only child would receive, it is not a selfish spoiling love, but a love I lavish upon all my children. It doesn't spread thin, it is a great, surrounding love. You are part of MY family, one I have called you into. My child, my dear, your Father loves you, and I love to show you this love."
~1 John 3:1 How great is the love the Father has lavished on us.~
1 comment:
Glad you started writing again, and looking forward to more love letters!
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