Sunday, September 8, 2013

Scripture Sunday 9.8.13

 The night is almost gone; the day of salvation will soon be here.
So remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes,
and put on the shining armor of right living.
~Romans 13:12, NLT~
    Thank you that we have a savior in a dark world. Thank you that we have a hope. Thank you that you give each of us 'a day of salvation'. I pray for those who have yet to experience their day of salvation...I ask in advance that you would soften their their eyes that they can see You clearly and realize their need for You...unplug their ears that they might hear Your wooing voice calling them. In advance I ask, Holy Spirit, that you would surround this person with Your presence at the moment when they face the most important decision of their accept Jesus' salvation.
Whoever you are...wherever you are in this vast world...know there is hope and a future for you. Remove your dark deeds, lay down your old ways, humbly at the feet of Jesus and He will cloth you in shining armor and clothes of righteousness. We all have a point in our lives when we can make that choice...I pray when your day of salvation comes, that you have the strength and humility to make the choice to accept it.
The night is fading...salvation is coming.

1 comment:

SimpleBirdie said...

This is exactly what my blog needs, a day to remind us that Jesus is the Lord! Awesome